Awsome dude. Keep up the good work. I liked the srite style, it was done better that most sprite work I have seen.
Awsome dude. Keep up the good work. I liked the srite style, it was done better that most sprite work I have seen.
weird. to the coolest degree.
Huh. Twin Brother perhaps?
Loved it. The protaganist reminded me of myself. Are you stalking me?
I love the crazy frame work. The art was just that, ART. it looked like some of Van Gogh's and Picasso's early work twisted together with the work of a five year old genius high on a truck load of ACID. I think you should keep going with this style. The music; VERY creepy. I like creepy things. They are like me. I like to go to sleep listening to OZZY and I enjoy the scent of burning gun powder and gun oil to an almost orgasmic level and I think that the entire movie genre of horror is some of the funniest stuff ever made. Alfred Hitchcock is one of my favorite Dark/Noir/Comedy directors ever. I know he was not an actual comedy director but I consider him one. Maybe I'm just crazy I don't know. Well I'm rambling and the voices are telling me to sign of now. Ciao.
Good old Hitch up the cock! I love watching Birds, I think it's the funniest movie ever made... But Vertigo, there's nothing funny about that, I break out in a cold sweat just thinking about it. Thanks for the review.
This is flash at it's best I love your work on this. You put alot of effort into it and it payed off. I say that if a new XMAN comes out or something like that you should send this to some adveritising firm to show them that you can do some awesome work. Can you say 200 G a year?
I love the random artwork it looks like a storm of insanity and creativity.
Snoopy sit's down at this typewriter; "it was a dark and stormy night of insanity and creativity..."
i give u a 1 thumb up and 1 down. neat style, good voice over, abit short and seriously goofy. maybe a good starter video for an amateur animater. keep going though.
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Age 40, Male
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Joined on 10/30/07